“Alan, I found her!”
“I searched all yesterday and couldn’t find her…where did you catch her?”
“She was wedged in between the big black flat back cupboard and the wall…I heard a faint rustle….had to move dishes and get down on hands and knees but
there she was waiting for help.”
“Second time around this year…why does she like our chimney so much?”
“Looking for an old tree trunk for a nest…”
“We saw the male out on the pond with her the other day…why is he never caught?”
“Females are nesters…males are just pesters.”
“Well, Let’s name her CRASH because she seems to love breaking dishes.”
-She got two of the beer steins and a big blue vase and glasses.”
“How can we stop her?”
“Maybe just give up and turn the house over to her for the next few weeks”
alan skeoch
Marjorie skeoch
April 2018
On Apr 20, 2018, at 10:31 PM, SKEOCH <alan.skeoch@rogers.com> wrote:
ICE STORM APRIL 16, 2018: STUCK WITH A DUCKalan skeochApril 17, 2018THERE have been better days…. April 16 was a bad day. The decision to go to the farm was an error in judgment I suppose. But then again, ifI had not gone then maybe the LITTLE DUCK WOULD BE DEAD and the house would be wrecked.5EFA4D12-6F46-4293-A5AD-ACCC39CA1854@hitronhub.home“><z+uDkX3BScSr85nxH+58+g_thumb_159f.jpg>“Alan, are sure the road is OK?”“Well Woody, I think we have a problem. Snow with a crust of ice on top that is thick enoughfor us to walk on. Too thick, Woody, Can we get the truck n there. Two wheel drive but stillhave the snow tires.”“Take a chance, Alan…turn in fast…cut a trail through the crust.”“Not going to make it, Woody…we are stuck…spinning tires…snow and ice up under the truck.”“What to do? Call Andrew, he might be somewhere nearby.”“Good idea. Ring Ring ring…,”Andy, Woody and I are in a bit of trouble….got the truckstuck in the lane…ice storm is bad…Can you come up ro help?”9A3F8BDE-7426-4874-B5D7-8345881F03B0@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_15a1.jpg>“Give me an hour or so…take Woody into the house and I’ll get you out. You should have known better than to tryto ride on top of the ice….regular thing with you.”“Not all my fault…Woody said to take a run at it.”“Fine advisor, Dad…see you in an hour.”85FB7378-A3A0-49D9-A79B-88D28A2792CC@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_15a6.jpg>BDAAC345-B5F0-4093-AE98-FFFCE0E81BEA@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_15b2.jpg>“And it’s getting dark…sleet and ice coming down now. Road is as slick as a salesman’s blather, Woody. LOOK AT the old barn…belonged toJ..S. Woodsworth years ago. Really bleak looking today.”“Stop talking. Open the door…neighbour phoned Marjorie to say the power has been off all week end. I Just hopethe propane is firing away….”“Quite pretty, isn’t it Woody…the ice coating everything.”E161C33F-AA87-4A83-944C-6CB278970570@hitronhub.home“><2oijBupjToKv0RmtQDRqDA_thumb_15ad.jpg>“Look at the bird house, Alan…loaded with ice.”8F559D9F-AF7A-4BBE-8A8C-107868F141A0@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_147c.jpg>“Open the door…my feet are frozen, Alan.”“There…we are now about to get warm….OH NO! WE HAVE HAD A BREAK IN!! BROKEN GLASS ALL OVER.”C10AC906-ECED-4090-9066-F2C4C7DA21B2@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_1592.jpg>EE461388-A925-44A1-81F9-513CBBCB453F@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_1479.jpg>“WHY WOULD a robber break all this glass?”“Not a robber, Alan, I hear something moving in the bathroom…maybe a raccoon…or coyote….”“Quiet , Woody, I Hear it too…close the doors…I’ll get a towel.”3DE6B967-EBC8-45FF-A185-B88A7A7FE396@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_1476.jpg>“It’s a DUCK, Alan…must have come down the chimney in the ice storm…thought it was a hollow log.”“Woody, I am going too catch her if I can. Hope her wings are not broken…There she is…FLOP FLOP…Got her covered.”8373721F-5077-4E6F-A861-B4DCFA23DF21@hitronhub.home“><dFWwPbBmT4uDqz4yVpe8kA_thumb_158d.jpg>1C302C98-2C3C-4FC3-82D6-9D19F3D93883@hitronhub.home“><t9cjzmq7Q3mIwNfOdRCz7Q_thumb_158c.jpg>“She seems to be glad we came along Woody.”“Real heroes!”“Set her down on the verandah…see if she is going to be OK”F85703B5-28E3-4F2D-805D-9B1734A9262F@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_1591.jpg>“What kind of duck is she?”“Smaller than a Mallard…look at that odd crest on the back of herded….like a Merganzer maybe…small duck…maybe a Wood duck…Damn, Damn,Damn…she looks like the same dick we had last year.”“Likes smashing glasses and dishes…entertainment until her mate arrives.”“There she goes…flying…not staying around to help clean up.”“Check the window…see if Andy is here yet.”8E4DC977-8F97-4576-B100-9B09903E647D@hitronhub.home“><lO6rVQ+MQLaEYs7rztwQxw_thumb_1598.jpg>Bleak out there, Alan, I am going to curl up on my bed while you clean up the glass.”“Wish Marjorie was here…”“Why?”“She would do the clean up better than me.”“Andy is here, Alan.”“Good…I bet he give me another lecture. “DC8DC2D2-2756-4347-9886-BE15A3F24E76@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_15a7.jpg>“Get in your truck, Dad, and put it in reverse…gently…my truck is on solid ice…need all the help we can get.”“Glad to see you, Andy.”“Never a dull moment, Dad…you seem to find pickles even in winer time. How is that torn Achilles tendon doing?.”“Just fine…”46676A87-C300-4491-AE1F-BC62292644FC@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_15a2.jpg>D5407900-9546-462E-8709-BFA4420334FF@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_15a4.jpg>“Great…we are now out, Woody…road is sheer ice though…can’t fool around.”“Did you tell Andy about the duck, Alan?”“Not yet…I am going send him a picture…sort of a thank you.”D69AAD59-35E3-43CA-8562-9A96DF8BF958@hitronhub.home“><UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_147e.jpg>“Where are you going, Andy…on foot?”“Now I have to get my truck in here with the trailer…”“Need help?”“No!”“I left a duck to give you a hand Andy”“A what?”“A LITTLE BROWN FEMALE DUCK…”B3B7300C-E2F9-4B4E-8EE9-B6201C876A21@hitronhub.home“><NvnhwLHrTnGy7ARIapuvng_thumb_15aa.jpg>“Sometimes I think my dad is nuts….Did he say Duck or something else?”4B3C3D07-11C5-4180-8404-71936A5F87B0@hitronhub.home“><grsj3suLSRibNPw18Clu7g_thumb_158f.jpg>