alan skeoch
Dec. 2020
This is one story about Kate and Jim McCartney. Auctioneers. The story
Marjorie and I have attended hundreds of auction sales…farm auctions. Episode195 is the story about one of he nicest auctions
we have ever attended. Sept. 8, 2018. The auction on the David Richardson farm. The tone of the auction was upbeat…happy. Which
is not always the case. There are many factors that make an auction enjoyable. The key holding everything together is held by auctioneer
Jim Mccartney snd his wife Kate. Jim keeps the auction moving and has a bucketful of comments that makes everyone laugh.
With their leadership several stories unfolded. Perhaps the happiest story revolved around the new
owner of the farm and a big black Percheron names Jack.
alam skeochSept. 8, 2018near Peters Corners, OntarioJack, the Clydesdale, dominated the auction sale but we didn’t meet him until the next day. This is a happy story. Dr. David and Dorothy Richardson decided to
sell their farm and have this auction sale to diminish their pile of ‘this and that’. Much of the this and that had the smell of a Clydesdale. Not the real smell….the mental smell.“Must be hard to sell your horse, David.”“It is and it isn”t”“We are leaving the farm but Jack is staying right here in the stable he has known most of his life.”“How come?”“Simple…the young lady who bought the farm wants Jack…she will be riding him.”“Where is Jack?”“Out in the field…we’ll get him over for you. He likes people.”“Welcome, my name is David Richardson. I retired as a doctor a long time ago…wayback when I fell in love with Clydesdales. Do you want to meet Jack?”“Everything here was new at one time…Let’s get the auction underway.”“What is this? Must be used for processing grain in some way…or maybe a ship porthole?”“I once collected cast iron implement seats. This is my last one. Made into a seat…fine place to sit andwatch the sale…my sale. I am at ease with it because I know Jack is going to stay around.”“Hi Woody, what’s up?”“Just saw the biggest horse I’ve ever seen in my life.”“Did he step on you?”“Nope…just bent over and gave me a nuzzle…says to call him Jack.”“Alan, what did you buy?”“Bought this apple dress…cast iron marking say patented 1872,,,”“Planning to make apple sauce?”“I’ll make it if you’ll eat it…be a little gritty with the dust and ash of a century and a half.”“Must you fill the truck at every suction sale?”“That is the purpose of a truck, Marjorie. The truck would bevery disappointed if it never carried a load.”“But what are you going to do with all this stuff?”“Remember King Tut’s tomb?”“Yes,but…”“Remember when Carter peeped through the first hole and was asked what he say?”“Sure, ‘he said “I see wondrous things…wondrous.”“So what?”“So that is why we buy these things.”“For a tomb?”“No because they are wondrous…WONDROUS.”“What else did you buy?”“Nice old chicken crate for $20, two railway baggage carts, a kitchen table and chairs, and this cement land roller.’“Are you nuts?”“what purpose do you have for that stuff?”“Purpose? Purpose? Does everything in life have to have a purpose.?”“Bought the table and six chairs, Marjorie.”“We already have a table and chairs.”“May need spares some day.”“Rock maple…heavy as all get out. how will we move that table.”“Let me give Andrew a call.”“He must have better things to do than lug your stuff around.”“He never complains.”“See if you can find Woody in this picture;”
“Every farm sale has a bunch of stories.”“Sad stories often”“Afraid so.”“But not this story…no sireee.”“Why?”“Because this is the story of Jack the Clydesdale who really owns the farm…and the people that love him.”alan skeochSept. 2018