AlAN skeoch
Oct. 2020
“What’s that noise…deep,gutteral…mechanical?”
“AIR RAID Warning.”
“Why a warning?”
“Weatherman says to expect possible tornado … large hailstones.”
“What are we supposed to do?”
“The radio says to seek shelter if sky looks dangerous”
“So, a good time to take pictures…”
“I read that we are experiencing more dangerous storms as a result of climate change.”
“What can we do? Can our changing climate be controlled?
“When I was a kid I thought our world…or earth…was so immense it was beyond comprehension.”
“Today , Oct. 23, 2020, the earth seems such a small place.”
“Every time I see a tree I say a thank you. Trees breath in carbon dioxide, extract the carbon, and breath out
“Human beings and all the living and creating creates of this earth only appeared on earth when the
atmosphere began to contain oxygen.”
“Did you know that three quarters of the earth is covered with water.”
“In other words the land upon which we depend is very limited…”
“Just driving up the fifth line four or five times a week reminds me of the shaky balance that is the background of our lives.”
“Do you know what I fail to comprehend no matter how many times it is explained?
“No, what?”
“The atmosphere. How come our earth has captured this thin envelope of air?”
“I was reading that Mars once had an atmosphere but it drifted off into space. How is it
that the earth keeps the air?
“Come to think of it, these angry looking clouds are quite wonderful.”
“They carry water. Where there is water there will be life.”
alan skeoch
oct. 2020