Day 4 covid-19 March 16, 2020


Day 4:  March 16, 2020

alan skeoch

1)  MacLean’s Insider reports Canada now has 3133 confirmed cases of Cod -19
which seems to me to be expected but MacLean’s says “has not slowed down”.
The plan is to slow down infections and thereby lower the statistical curve … hence
reduce pressure on health care system.  A big spike in the curve will overpower 
our ability to handle the epidemic and increase the death toll.   All death toll is among
seniors with many in their eighties … Marjorie and I are in this category so we
are taking things seriously.

2) Airports are receiving panic flights of Canadians from abroad. That will soon end.
Those who fail to get home will just have to “hunker down” in a foreign land.

3) Justin Trudeau closed the Canadian border today…exceptions 1) Canadians returning
“Come home right now, no guarantee if later.”  2) U.S citizens  (open border at present but
that may change.

4) Donald Trump finally admitted the situation is dire in the US.  He asked ALL Americans
to isolate themselves in there homes except, of course, for hospital and vitapservices.
Trump seemed shaken on TV…like he was not really in charge…seemed weak and evasive
the political cartoon on the editorial page of the Star shows three images  of Trump
“hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil”

5) Our street is empty…and it is rush hour.

6) Garbage and Leaf collection normal.  Marjorie outside rakkng rotten leaves…getting ready for spring.
Water supply is not threatened it seems.  We was our hands 10 to 20 times a day…that’s a lot of water
Sam phoned
to say that Metro grocery chain store is now rationing certain things to prevent hoarding.

7) What happens to our pensions?  the stock market has plummeted. The value of our pension
depends on investment profits.  No profits now.  So what does that mean for our pensions?

This is our street, Glenburnie Road, picture taken at 6 p.m.  No traffic…yet it is  rush hour.

8)  We do not know one single person who has got Covid 19.   Yet everyone is in a state of subdued panic.

9) Apparently my next  visit to the doctor will not be face to face.  It will be a virtual kind of thing…perhaps telephone or video.   Effort
to keep Covid 19 from spreading.   Amazing how fast we have distanced ourselves from each other.  Brave New World.

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