alan and marjorie skeoch
Nov. 2019
featuring Woody, the host
“Alan, come quickly, Woody has a tick embedded in his back.”
“Tweezers…got to get them.”
“You hold Woody, I’ll get the tick.:
“Remember…a firm grip then a steady slow but determined pull…make sure we get the head of the tick
as well as the body.”
“What kind of tick do you think it might be?”
“Hope it is not the BLACK LEGGED KIND.”
“steady Woody…steady.”
“Hold his head.”
“Get the tick…ugly looking bastard.”
“Slippery…tweezers keep sliding off.”
“Get right down to Woody’s skin.”
“Got it…firm, determined but not jerky pull…must get the head of the tick as well as the body”
“Does it have BLSCK LEGS?
“YES, a Black Legged Tick…worst kind”
“Carriers of Lyme disease.”
“Love deer best…called deer ticks by some.”
“How does it get attached?”
“The little SOB’s sit on the very tip of plants waiting for Woody to touch the plant…then ZIP!…THE TICK grabs the fur or the skin…
usually the fur … then the tick walks its way down to the skin.”
“Wants blood…sucks up blood like a balloon. Ticks are so tiny they are not noticed until filled with blood.
“Some people, like our good Friend “Rooter” do not even know they had a tick on them. Painless…fills with
blood then drops off and gets ready to lay 3,000 eggs.”
“Look at the tick.”
“See the black legs?”
“I also see a chunk of Woody’s flesh.”
“And some strands of Woody’s fur.”
“Ticks could be waiting for us anywhere here…on corn stalks or wild grapes …just about any tall plant…
“What should we do?”
“Certainly live our lives as normally as possible.”
“But check for ticks and get a Lyme disease shot from
the doctor if you suspect a tick bite.”
“Do you think Woody knew he had a tick?”
“He likes to rub up against us often…saying “Get the tick off my back.” with his eyes.
“And us? What should we do?”
“Well, we should strip and check our bare bodies for ticks each night.”
“Sounds like fun.”