alan skeoch
july 2019

“Marjorie, the coyote is  here…right behind  you.”

“How do you know?”
“Saw him dance down the street as if he was Prince Harry”
“Right now, 8.15 a.m. on July 16…Glenburnie Road, Mississauga…got a picture
quick…here he is…”

“Woody was barking his head off just behind my ear as we looked out the truck window.”
“What was  the coyote doing?”
“Eating what was  left of a dead squirrel that a car squashed.”
“Did  he hear Woody?”
“Sure…but did not give a damn.”
“Where did he go?”
“Ducked into the Lack place…(next door to us)…he was about 10 feet from
you as you came out our lane.”
“I think he knows me…loves me or hates  me.”
“Where did  you get that crazy, off the wall, idea?”

“Alan, do you  know what happened earlier this morning…while you were asleep?”
“Well there was  quite a fuss on the street.  A man came jogging down Glenburnie with two full
grown Labradors…and right behind them came the coyote…almost at their heels.”
“A  coyote could  not pull  down a  Labrador.”
Alan, you were not there.  The man was scared…running.  He stopped to throw
two rocks at the coyote but the stones  did not phase the coyote one bit. He loped
along right behind them.”
“What did  you do?”
“I got in the truck and tried to put it between the coyote and the man.  The coyote
just circled the truck which drove Woody wild.  Barking like there is no tomorrow.”
Woody  probably remembers the coyote that tore a strip off his ass.”

“Don’t make light of it Alan.  The lady next door said  three coyotes  surrounded her
when she took the baby for a walk.”
“The only coyote I have seen lately was the cute animal sleeping in the tangle of
weeds at the back of our lot.”
“He sleeps  there all day long…drives Woody mad…Lucky that half our lot is fenced.”
“No matter what you say Marjorie, I like the coyotes…beautiful animals…great dancers…
intelligent …survivors.”
“”Alan, they are predators.”

“Predators…Shmeditors…they are fascinating.  And they were here before we were here.   They have
a right of residency.”
“Dr. Hawrluk (local  dentist) opened his  front door yesterday and a coyote was standing there.”
“Maybe the coyote had a toothache.”
“Don’t be silly…”
“Coyotes do not have dental plans…rely on charity…but they have good teeth
normally…gnawing on squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and, if they are lucky, wayward cats…the 
gnawing keeps their teeth in good  shape.”
“Alan, stop that drivel…this is serious business.”
“Sorry.  Just trying to make the point that coyotes have become part of our 
urban landscape.”

“They move so fast…so delicatlely.   Look at the pictures I took…almost seem like mirages…like there
was no coyote present…just blurred images.”

(Marjorie, talking to Woody our dog, as she often does)_
“Alan would not say that Woody if that coyote tore a strip off his bum, would he?”

“Woody cannot speak our language Marjorie.”

“His tail is wagging…he agrees with me.”

“Woody can spot a coyote before we can…maybe the smell.”

“He does  not love those creatures  as you seem to do…proving
he has  a higher level of intelligence than you, Alan.”

“Probably true…”

alan skeoch
July 2019

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