EPISODE 1098: music in the rain at Benares august 16, 2024, with Riddim Riders Band
Once again the Friends of the Mjuseums of Mississauga have presented music at Benares…
even in a summer rainstorm Those attending were ready with umbrellas except for Sebastien
whose pants are obviously soaking wet. (find him if you can) Seems I got wet myself
but did not notice until we got home stripped by the fireplace which was little help.
These pictures are taken to show how devoted the audience was in spite of the rain. All smiles.
And to thank the committee that made music possible on summer nights.
alan skeoch
august 16. 2024
Wanda…send this forward to sebastien and his wife…sending a couple of stories
for you to forward if you can….now have written nearly 1100 stories you can find on
alanskeoch.ca I think.