Fwd: Episode 1030 Andrew will you help find our cat” “you are standing on its tail!”

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From: ALAN SKEOCH <alan.skeoch@rogers.com>
Subject: Episode 1030 Andrew will you help find our cat” “you are standing on its’ tail!”
Date: March 24, 2024 at 10:36:43 PM EDT
To: john Wardle <jwardle@rogers.com>, Marjorie Skeoch <marjorieskeoch@gmail.com>

Episode  1030 

Andrew will you help find our cat” “You are standing on its’ tail!”

Alan Skeoch
MarcH 24, 2024

We keep Chelsea Bun, our cat, on a long  leash to avoid  a  NASTY SHORTENED LIFE!

Amazing that wild creatures survive and thrive among the hundred of thousands
human beings in th GTA.    But they do  as some of us find out the hard way,
A better heading for this episode might be “Nature red in tooth and claw” as a neighbour of Andrew discovered.

“Andrew will you help me find our cat?”
“You are standing on its’ tail.”
“Beg your pardon?”
“”You are standing on your cats inedible tail tail…coyotes got your cat  last night. Sorry]to say that.”

A pair of coyotes had been out hunting.  Perhaps needed food
for milk for pups just born… food for momma coyote.  Or for 
themselves. Andrew had spotted the coyotes and made sure Norman their 
fat shortl legged pug nosed dog .  Andrew was also woried
that a bald eagle, recent ly arrived ub the ske=y above Port Credit, might tear a strip off of Norman. Nice fat little dog,

The cat was not so lucky.  How did Andrew know the killers were coyotes? Night
time howling.,,
Barely visible movements of ‘greyness in the semi darkness of dawn and dusk.
Best evdence was the cat tail and paws snipped of with finesse and some long
length of the cat’s fur.  Dead cats keep tails attached if death is natural or a car accident

There was a time when I was young that the night time prowlers were Tom cats and raccoons both of which are now in short supply due to coyote oredation.


Dawn in Port Credit about where  coyotes roam and cats must be carfeful

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