alan skeoch
oct. 2021
In the summer of 1966 I returned to Ireland with my wife, Marjorie and my brother Eric. We were all teachers by that time and I dearly waned to share Ireland wit those closest to me We did not have much money
Most of what we had was put into a car rental and b and b hotels. We saved on food. Our stead diet was 1) Bulmer's cider…big bottles with stone screw caps. 2) fresh bread wherever it could be found 3) large chunks
of cheese. Here in the pic above we are dining in a farm field…first class.
Ireland has lots of mountains for climbers. Easy to climb. Lots of sheep. I am not too sure the water is drinkable due to the sheep but
Marjorie tested it before Eric and I drank.
In 1960 John Hogan and I did a little mountain climbing. We had
an excuse as John was a geologist “looking for outcrop”
This is the Mahon River…not very big until it rains.