alan skeoch
June 2021
I am not much of a car enthusiast but this car got my attention.
All I could see from the passenger seat where we got gas at $1.32.9 cents
a litre was the back tail light. Unusual. Jutted out and had a fin.
“Marjorie look at that car up on the house. Odd!”
“It’s a 1957 model.”
“”How would you know that?””
“Says so on the licence.”
“What is it?”
“Man pumping gas says its a 1957 Thunderbird.”
“Those were the years…the 1950’s…when cars were not bland…turquoise and white…or pink like this.”
“Our old 53 Meteor was Double Brown…others were bright red and white.”
“Same colours as popsicles.”
“Ask if I can go into the workshop.”
“He says you can.”
NOTE A lot more could be said about 1957. I think my Uncle Frank Freeman still had
a team of horses for instance.
“Wasn’t there a cosmetic company that gave away pink cars to its best salespeople.? Mary Kay, I believe.”
alan skeoch