Begin forwarded message:

From: ALAN SKEOCH <alan.skeoch@rogers.com>
Date: September 6, 2020 at 4:58:07 AM EDT
To: Alan Skeoch <alan.skeoch@rogers.com>


alan skeoch
Sept 2020

The scene may look pastoral…relaxed.  But that was  not the case…even Woody
the dog looked for relief and  he did not eat any peppers.

Now what in tarnation is this?  Shrivelled up pepper due to the month long drought.

“Here Andrew,  we  grew these odd looking peppers…do you know them?”
“Hot peppers, Mom.”
“I thought they were different…small, shrivelled  looking, wrinkled.”
“Here taste  one.”

And  Andrew, pinched off a piece about size of a  radish seed…tiny.  

“Here, Dad, you have a taste too.”

Both Marjorie and I immediately had flashes from our brains.  “

Alert!  Alert! Do  not eat. Regurgitate now. You are in danger!”

Andrew gave a lopsided grin.  “Hot, eh!”

By then we were both racing to the farm house for water…for anything that would reduce the burning sensation on our
lips…tongue,..throat.  We had  immediately spit out the tiny piece of  green or yellow wrinkled  pepper fruit.  Spitting out
did no good.  We needed water.  Marjorie got to the house first.  I tried to soldier out the exploding burning sensation.
But I needed water…anything.  

Marjorie was arched over the kitchen sink.  “I think I’m going to vomit.  Maybe faint.  Need water..water.”

Since she had the sink, there was no room for me.  I yanked  open the refrigerator where a half consumed
bottle of beer was cooling.   I drank some right away.   Seemed to reduce the burning.  “Here Marjorie, try this.”
She does not normally like beer but gave it a shot.  She was returning to normal  by that time anyway.

What in hell’s half acre had we eaten?   A pepper.  I knew that but what kind  of pepper?

Later, about 3 a.m. while we combed the internet for pictures of  peppers we agreed that one variety
…the Fatalii pepper…was  closest.  Fatalii peppers are the hottest pepper on earth according to internet
sources.  Like all peppers they originated in South America but were ‘improved’ in Africa which is the
main source.

One source was dead on.  Dead  on?  Wrong term since we did  not die.   But the source said that as soon as
piece of the Falalii pepper touches the lips then the tongue, our brains immediately go into overdrive with
the Alerts.  And that is  what happened.   As soon as that little piece of  pepper flesh hit our tongues
there was word from our brain.  “Spit the damn  thing out right now…get water right now…beer will do if no
water.”   As  it turns out relief from the burning is best relieved  by  milk or other dairy products.  We did
not know that.

How did  Fatalii peppers get into our garden?  That is  our fault.  We try to look for unusual  plants
at garden centres and I dimly remember a hand drawn  sigh saying something about a  hot pepper plant
at a nursery near Erin.  Could have also  been the nursery on Trafalgar Road north of Oakville.  Due 
to the Covid 19 scare we wore masks and were encouraged to make our purchases and  leave
quickly.  Marjorie must have grabbed  the Fatalii…not me…I am too smart for that.  (Ahem!)
Thankfully the pepper is  not really Fatal.  Just seems  so.

The plant is still alive.  Now here is an  idea. We will keep growing these peppers  and  will put them in a special place
in hopes  that any future thieves will sample them.   So, be  warned,  if you look in our refrigerator
and  see a  hand written sign saying “Tastes good…take a bite.”..please do not be fooled unless
you are a thief.

alan  skeoch
Sept. 2020

P>S>   Fatalii is  the closest we could come to identifying these peppers.  We could be 

P.P.S   In the course of our night long research we discovered that some craft beers
used tiny bits  of Fatalli peppers to sharpen the taste.  Imagine that.  Much more can be
said but I think this is enough.

P.P.S.  What about Andrew?   What did we do to get even?  What ‘should’ we do?
Laughter is inappropriate somehow.  We are  debating the problem.

Marjorie took this picture of part of  our crop.  A good  warning sign.  Note the hole in one of the Fatalii peppers where
some kind of slug, worm, bug…crawled inside and died I think.
Marjorie does not usually like beer…but this day, the day of the hot pepper, she changed her mind.

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