I will be late today as we must finish planting

at farm.

We  were new teachers.  Eric and I taught at
Parkdale C.I.,  while Marjorie taught at Emery Junior
High.  Salary around $6,000 per year.   

There was a book written around 1960 titled “Europe
on $5 a day.”.  In  1965,  Marjorie, my brother Eric and I
decided to give it  a try.  Well, we did it…a whole series
of adventures that might interest readers.  I know it is
ego driven but some of the adventures were universal
like the chilling visit to Dachau and the rescue of a rabbit afflicted
with the poison Mixamatosis and the discovery we cold
live on Bulmer’s apple cider and cheese and bread.

Marjorie was a great sport about the whole thing.
She could take the privations and enjoy the adventures.
My brother, Eric, refused to go 50/50 on the expenses which
meant I had to pay 2/3 which I now know was reasonable.
Marjorie was a little disturbed on one day when we did  not
eat at all while crammed into a sleeping car in bunks
that were stacked so  tight that there was little room to breath.

One anecdote with picture.  

In London we visited an antique market where
a British crook offered us  derby hats recently’stolen
no doubt.  Mine had Harold McMillans initials.

We became Toffs (I think that is the word).

This story will be done in a point by point form…just to remove chance of

But it may not come today. So use this as an introduction.


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